Poetry & Art


She is the one illuminating the cave with her startling light.

She is the one who is ferociously kind.

She is the one treading softly through a concrete landscape,

avoiding the cracks so she doesn’t slip through;

head held high, eyes up, to stare down predators.

She is the one snarling at the yammering jungle

that dares try to swamp her voice.

She is the one attacking only to protect,

hunting the vulnerable to offer them shelter.

She is the one dancing on the point of a knife,

yet making it look like a petal.

She is the one gulping starlight from the bottom of a well,

swallowing fear and feathers to feel what it is to fly.

She is the one howling at the moon

for each injustice carved into the cosmos.

She is the one building the dam

only to rip it down

and flood the universe with love.

by Abigail Jones

I'm currently based in Girona, Catalunya, teaching English to pay the bills. Fortunately, it's not all present simple and phrasal verbs; I got to design my own course so I can share my passion for literature by haphazardly flinging Austen, du Maurier and Zusak around the classroom to Catalan students.

When I'm not reading or scribbling, I love watching old films, painting the weird and wonderful conjurings of my brain, testing out various cheesecake recipes, and being competitive at games evenings.

My goal is to nurture this passion for writing, put it out into world, and hopefully connect with readers enough for them to say: "That's exactly how I feel."


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