Poetry & Art

Today & Tomorrow

Today I met an elderly woman
who told me to come with her
To sit. to chat. And to spare some time.
Today I met an elderly woman, who took my hand and told me “it’ll be alright.”
Today I met an elderly woman, she held my face between the palm of her hands and pulled me close.
So close that the lingering smell of lavender on her lapel danced across the brim of my nose.
She smelled reassuring, soothing, calm, and again she muttered, “it’ll be alright.”
Today I met an elderly woman, who told me not to waste time on things that didn’t serve my passions, to love my family like tomorrow would be their last, and to be grateful for the life I had.
Today I met an elderly woman, who told me one day my kids would love me more than I could ever imagine and to remember to cherish every moment with them.
Today I met an elderly woman, who told me that I’d meet a man one day. A life partner, a friend,
a supporter, and a lover who would take my breath away and leave me speechless with his patience, love, charm, and commitment to our union.
Today I met an elderly woman, who carried on about all the great things in life I had to look forward to.
Today I met an elderly woman, who would not leave my side and was adamant that I listen no matter how hard I tried to hide. She led me through a crowd and told me to pay the naysayers no mind.
Today I met an elderly woman, whose name was Purpose.
by Azeezat Lawal

As a health and wellness enthusiast, aspiring content writer, and avid traveler -Ahzizah enjoys traveling to see and experience new parts of the country and world as a source of inspiration and creativity. She's still a big work in progress but she loves being a part of a large community where she can learn from others, share, and showcase positive ideas in an uplifting and creative way.

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