Real Stories

To My Husband

Today I bought my husband a card for our anniversary and it simply read as such, “My Husband, My Blessing, I love the life we share because even though we’ve been through some difficult times, we can thank God that we’re not only stronger, we are closer than ever. We know that if we have Him and each other, we have everything we’ll ever need. Another year around the sun, is another year with you that my heart happily skips a beat. Happy Anniversary, with love always, Best Friend.” I really can’t wait to give it to him. It said all the things that I was thinking.

Let me tell you about my love. He is such a sweet, kind, confident, loving, gentle man. I’m pretty sure that God showed off when he made him. He is perfectly imperfect and a blessing to my soul. He is the father that my son always wanted, and he is the ying to my yang. I love him and all his flaws and I’m so thankful for the day that God brought him into my life. After all, we’re so connected that I’m almost certain God had me in mind when he made him.

We met in the most conventional way back then. I’m sure you can guess it. That’s right, online dating. No longer was it the unconventional way to meet people. I was a bit skeptical at first, but we really hit it off. I knew on our first date that he was the one. When we met, it was magical. We opted out of the boring dinner and movie for our first date and decided to engage in some friendly competition at Sunpark Funworld.  What better to get to know someone than over miniature golf and go-karts. We were so comfortable with one another, that It just felt right. It felt like all the hurt in pain from my previous relationships was worth it.

Needless to say, things went great! He and my son bonded instantly. It just so happened, that they both a had a fond love of sports. Although he didn’t have children of his own, he coached a little league team for fun. He was firm with him but still so loving. It was almost like he was the missing piece to our puzzle. My family loved him and so did my circle of very close friends. How fortunate was I to find the man that loves the lord, me and my son as his own? I’m so blessed. When he asked me to marry him, I was elated. See, I had always known he was the one for me but was a little unsure if he felt the same. I couldn’t wait to be his wife.

We married on a breezy fall day in October, at a remote beach in Fiji amongst the closest of our friends and family. I’ll never forget that day. My favorite part of his vows was, “Best friend, you are everything to me and I can’t wait to do life with you”! And that’s exactly what we did. Life! Let me tell you about life. It has its ups and downs for sure, but we were both willing to take life head on. Is our marriage perfect? Absolutely not but it is worth it.

So, on this 16th anniversary, I knew that the card I found was perfect. Perfect to sum up all our years together, or so I imagine because I haven’t actually met my husband yet. As a matter of fact, I’m certain that he is lost and refuses to ask for directions. I often wonder if he’s that tall, pecan tan, bearded man with beautiful eyes that took a double look at me on aisle 9 at the grocery store. Or maybe he’s the shorter, Spanish man with a smile so gorgeous, that flirts with me when he drops off packages to my job.  Either way it goes, I couldn’t leave that card at the store. It was everything I’ve always wanted to say to the man that I love, so I’ll just put it in a safe place until he arrives and it’s time to give it to him. To my husband, I can’t wait to meet you!

by Shanna Gilliard

I am a native of Charleston, SC who loves the art of storytelling and conversational writing. I write about all things love and life. My ability to write in a conversational style will have you thinking I’m speaking directly to you! My writings will take you on a journey and you’ll feel like I’m your best-friend, sister, cousin, mother and/or auntie all wrapped in one.

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