Poetry & Art

The Winter Cold

The earth in the northern hemisphere is dry, frozen, and life appears slow moving. Plants and trees are frozen in time, bare, vulnerable, with no leaves to hide their limbs, their bare truths underneath the foliage.

Little white bunnies hop out of their homes beneath the earth, only to quickly return; nothing is out here for them, in this bitter cold. A caw of a winter bird is heard, but not seen. The branches of the hibernating trees move, creak in the icy breeze that which is gentle, but unpredictable, the turbulence may pick up to cause a harsh wind at any moment. For now, it is calm; the icy breeze is only warning the nature that Storm is near. The winter storm is upon Nature, but it has yet to really roar.

The Fall brought change with multiple colors; earth tone hues faded from green and turned to yellow, orange, red, to deep brown. Now, all that is left is transparency. The color of this hemisphere is gone, and all that is seen is the bare truths that once were hidden behind Spring and Summer’s foliage. Now, nothing can hide.

Once upon a time not so long ago, I felt the icy finger of Winter; a feeling that entered my being and haunted my dreams. Winter’s footsteps were always heard behind me, but never seen; invisible each time I turned my head to look, the echoing sound only meant for my ears. The silent presence of Winter controlled my every thought and movement. Its bitter cold felt endless, as if it was entering my heart and soul. It was always near, always cradling my fear. The cold is bittersweet, filled with secrets unheard. The silent ways Winter moved haunted and controlled me, never setting me free. I loved the numbness Winter gave me, an imaginary protection from the harsh realities of the world; a numbness I hated to love. One day, I broke free from the ice of Winter. A new day dawned, and with it came the warm sun. But that is another story.

Autumn has come and gone; the dying process of the Earth began and ended as the Earth toned hues faded from the Earth. Spiritually speaking, the winter months are known for time of hibernation, retreat, contemplation, and completion of projects. In Prehistoric times, this was a time of rest, love making, and being close to the hearth and protecting loved ones from the bitter winter. Food gathering, hunting, the work of the spring and summer months are gone. Now is the time for preservation, staying huddled up and warm to survive, while planning for the spring and summer months.

The winter months are a time of stillness with little sunshine. On one hand this can make one feel depressed, but on the other hand it can be used as a tool for contemplation to get to know one’s intuitive side. The answers to prayers and affirmations may be fully realized in the winter months. Since winter is the time of completion, one’s desires tend to be realized during these months. It is a good time to continue working toward goals by following hunches and intuitive guidance, while at the same time taking a rest and listening to the needs of one’s body. This still time is also a good time to connect with family members and friends, and tying up loose ends such as completing a project. This is a good time to let go of old ways that no longer enhance one’s being, and let in new insights and ways of being.


Author: val.180
Email: [email protected]
Link to social media or website: http://instagram.com/val.180



by Valerie Turpin

~When a quiet individual speaks, their voice is loud ~

The voice of the spirit is as loud as the whisper in the wind, breath upon the skin, and as delicate as a feather in the wind. The quiet voice speaks the truth within you. Let it speak through you, and let it be what it will be. There is no rhythm, rhyme, or reason. the voice of the spirit is felt rather than heard, and when it is heard it is through your own words or way of expression.
Speak those quiet words, in any form you wish; through art, verbally, in any way. Let it be and you will see what you are capable of.


My articles contain information I have received on my spiritual path, which I call, my path of life, sprinkled in with creative expressions.

Random teed-bits of information about ME: I am from Southwestern Arizona; I was born in 1990 and I am the second to the youngest of 5 children; I have a Bachelor degree in Social Work and I am currently pursing a Master’s in Social Work.

My interests: Poetry; creating art in multiple forms; history of civilization, diversity of cultures, history of art in multiple forms through the ages, world religions, and world power; Psychology and Sociology; Mysticism; Law & Order; writing (academically and creatively).

Enjoy! and Happy reading. <3

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