Real Stories

Mindful Self-Care Can Go A Long Way

I don’t have to tell you that we are all busy!  Family, work, fitting in healthy endeavors like exercise, even getting together with friends is tough to find time for.

Believe it or not, making time for mindfulness helps us find MORE time do the things we love! We gain more calm, clarity and centeredness, which leads us to make better decisions.  Meditation is a type of mindfulness, but you do not have to sit for 20 minutes with your eyes closed to be mindful.

Try this: instead of waking up in a slight panic about that morning meeting, work deadline or kid worry,  place your feet on the ground, sit at the edge of your bed, inhale through your nose, open your mouth and let out a nice long sigh. Smile!

OR Just for today, try noticing the hot water as it hits your shoulders, marvel in the fresh scent of your soap and enjoy that morning shower – through your senses NOT your brain.

A favorite routine of mine is abhyanga – the Ayurveda  (ancient Indian holistic health system focused on the mind/body balance) practice of massaging your skin with warm oil.  This literally takes only a few extra naked minutes post shower.  I keep a small glass container full of coconut oil in the shower so that it stays warm.  Gently rub the oil in a circular motion starting with legs and moving up towards the heart.  It’s also superb at night when I have more time and use it to help me drift off to sleep. Other benefits include:

  • Enhances circulation
  • Hydrates and tones skin
  • Decreases the effects of aging
  • Detoxifies the body

This is mindful self-care and as the Charaka Samhita states, “The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries, or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by age.”

MYPART – Manifest Your Power, Accept, Relax, and Trust  — Melody Beatty

*An acronym I learned while in recovery and now heartfully use everyday from Melody’s book..

Accept. Relax. Breathe. Let go. Trust yourself, God, and the universe to manifest the best possible destiny when the time is right for you.




Author: Leslie Brooks
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Leslie is a mother of three, working full-time while pursuing her interests on the side. She is a RYT through YogaFit, and teaches chair yoga at two local assisted living facilities. She is passionate about meditation and how it has changed her life. She is an avid reader, learner and loves to network with like-minded individuals!
Link to social media or website: Instagram @mypart912


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