Poetry & Art


When I make a decision to love you,

I choose to love ALL of you

The laughter, the bliss, the missteps

And I will not opt to back down when things get difficult

I hope you’ll be able to help me rise when I fall

In the same way I will extend my hand towards you when you need it most

I will not choose to see you through the lens of your worst day

And I hope that you will be there through mine

I hope we don’t lose sight of our rhythm

Or refuse to listen when our faults become worn like masks

In those moments, I hope we can reach that place beyond words and steer away from silence

I do not hope for the silence

I choose to believe in the love that I chose

The love that encapsulates ALL of you

The laughter, the bliss, and the missteps

by Lizzy Madrigal

Hey everyone!

My name is Lizzy and I like to describe myself as a storylistener turned storyteller. I've spent the last couple of years working as a mental health therapist, and in 2020 I decided to pursue my original love: writing. I am so excited to see where this journey takes me and I can't wait to have you be a part of it.

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