Real Stories

A Farewell To A Good Man

My Great Uncle Gordy was a gentle soul – a kind man who liked to pull pranks. He told me a trick he pulled on a lady once. He said he had two foster kids, and the lady was telling him how good of a person he was. She then asked his name and he said, “Gordy Foster”.

I knew he had been having trouble with his heart, but yesterday he died unexpectedly after getting a pacemaker put in.

It’s still surreal to me when I lose people. I’ve been going to funerals since I was five years old. I’ve lost people since I was a child, I know that people die, but it never seems real when they do. It seems like it’s some alternative reality that can be righted as long as we take the glove back from Thanos. But when you snap your fingers those that you love don’t return.

Loss is difficult.

I can’t imagine what his wife, children, and grandchildren are going through right now. As if 2020 weren’t hard enough with the pandemic and every other chaotic thing that has happened and is continuing to happen this year, losing someone this close to the holidays has to be difficult.

It’s true when they say the good die young. Seems that the good people never live long enough. But my Great Uncle was a hardworking man who loved God and his family, and I know that where he is now that he won’t have to worry about heart troubles or any other negative part of the human experience.

It never gets easier losing people, but you learn that those we love never truly leave us. They live on in our hearts, our memories, our stories. They leave behind their legacies in everyone’s life that they touched.

This year let’s remember to give each other grace and love and comfort. After the year that we’ve had, we need it. Because despite all the pain weighing us down, the world keeps spinning and we must keep moving forward even when it’s hard. So the best gift we could give one another is sincere compassion and kindness.

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