Real Stories

Whistle Of The Wind

I have always been fascinated with the wind; how it appears to whistle, or moan, between the branches of trees or other objects where air can pass through at will. I always imagine a hidden message in the wind; something said, and heard, only if and when we are listening.

Like the wind, a soft whisper can be carried inside you, and heard only when you choose to hear it. Like the wind, the sound or whistle may appear imaginary, and you can easily be misguided by the voice inside you, only if your ego persona gets in the way.

I feel art flows in us all, and through expression it is created, for art is in everything. To me, Art is creation and expression, and we all have a form of art we cling to, we use, to express what we want expressed, verbally or non.

Maybe you express art through verbal speech, such as public speaking or in social gatherings. Maybe you express Art non-verbally, such as in creative writing, poetry, painting, music notes, music creation, social media, excreta. Maybe art is expressed in how you dress, your interest in fashion or your garden, plants and trees you tend to. Life, to me, is Art – expression and creation.

The voice “of the knowledge tree” can only be heard inside you, most likely by some outside trigger. The trigger may be faint, soft and easily missed if not paid attention to at the exact moment it occurs, just like the feeling of a breeze upon your skin. Cool or warm breeze – it is only momentarily and usually soft, easy to forget once it has passed, but it leaves a feeling that at times cannot be defined in you. Maybe a feeling of serenity or brief knowing, a brief yearning for something more, and then the moment passes with the breeze. Maybe it stays to be analyzed, used, felt to its fullest, and expressed.

Tree is a symbol of growth. The tree begins from a seed, and then germinates and roots begin to grow deep into the grown. The deeper the roots go the bigger and more complex the tree becomes. The tree’s roots are its heritage, its lifeline and the essence of what it will become and is. The roots are the heritage, ancestry, of its being. As the tree grows and develops, it obtains branches, and with the branches comes the leaves. The leaves are a storage place, maybe the memories, and the branches may be the tree’s different path’s of thought. On every branch, multiple leaves do grow, and with the changing of the seasons the leaves fall – memories become repressed, forgiven, but never truly forgotten – and then new leaves grow in the place of the fallen leaves. An endless growing, decaying cycle, but the tree nonetheless continues to grow.

We, like a tree, have roots, a heritage, that help develop who we are, and no matter what our roots will always be there, and the roots are not what can be changed. We grow and develop with each passing second, hour, day, week, month and year. As we grow, develop, choose paths and overcome obstacles, new branches of thought are formed, new leaves are grown and memories are stored. However, like the tree, memories should not be held onto forever. If the memories are hard to handle, but reoccurring, they should be faced, known, but let them float on by, and fall to the ground, so a new memory can be created; a new feeling experienced, but always in a moving cyclical pace, for nothing should be held permanently in our minds. To live and grow we must let go, let go of the old, in with the new: new experiences, new emotions and new existence within an old existence, so-to-speak.

The knowledge tree is your own Being. It is a metaphor for who you are as an individual in a society, and knowing your inner knowledge, your self, your true potential, you can overcome the obstacles that are before you that are preventing you to obtain a goal you desire to accomplish, or simply preventing you to just be in the NOW.

An old tweet of mine @VAT1:

~ May the wind take me to new heights; to new levels of self understanding and development, career success, and independence. Peace and Love ~



Author: val.180
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: The voice of the spirit is as loud as the whisper in the wind, breath upon the skin, and as delicate as a feather in the wind. The quiet voice is loud, and speaks the truth within you. Let it speak through you, and let it be what it will be. There is no rhythm, rhyme, or reason. The voice of the spirit is felt rather than heard, and when it is heard it is through your own words or way of expression. Speak those quiet words, in any form you wish; through art, verbally, in any way. Let it be and you will see what you are capable of.
Link to social media or website: Instagram @val.180

by Valerie Turpin

~When a quiet individual speaks, their voice is loud ~

The voice of the spirit is as loud as the whisper in the wind, breath upon the skin, and as delicate as a feather in the wind. The quiet voice speaks the truth within you. Let it speak through you, and let it be what it will be. There is no rhythm, rhyme, or reason. the voice of the spirit is felt rather than heard, and when it is heard it is through your own words or way of expression.
Speak those quiet words, in any form you wish; through art, verbally, in any way. Let it be and you will see what you are capable of.


My articles contain information I have received on my spiritual path, which I call, my path of life, sprinkled in with creative expressions.

Random teed-bits of information about ME: I am from Southwestern Arizona; I was born in 1990 and I am the second to the youngest of 5 children; I have a Bachelor degree in Social Work and I am currently pursing a Master’s in Social Work.

My interests: Poetry; creating art in multiple forms; history of civilization, diversity of cultures, history of art in multiple forms through the ages, world religions, and world power; Psychology and Sociology; Mysticism; Law & Order; writing (academically and creatively).

Enjoy! and Happy reading. <3

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