Poetry & Art

What Happens To Kindess

What happens to kindness

That we send out to space

That lights up a smile

On somebody’s face?

Does it multiply or fade

Or grow in their heart?

Is there space where it ends?

Is there a place where it starts?

And can I count on my kindness

To come back to me?

I’ll keep giving it out

And just wait and see.



Author: Isabella Skovira
Author Bio: Izzy writes poetry that was largely considered too informal in her poetry classes in college. All of her writing is inspired by real people and moments, so if you think it’s about you, it probably is.
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by Izzy Skovira

Isabella is based in Spain and works as an admissions consultant for international high school students that are applying to US universities and colleges. She loves reading, taking film photos, visiting art museums, and dancing. She's never tried coffee, always stops to pet dogs, loves meeting people on the internet, and is in search of the best Spanish tortilla. Her creative energy is always motivated by a desire to seek universal emotional truths. She loves asking big questions.

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