So you messed up
Once again
Refuse to fess up
and let it end
But you’re blindly begging
for another beginning
You say you can’t move on
Won’t make it alone
That you need me
And this is your home
But what you don’t know
Is there will always be a woman.
There will always be a woman…
Willing to pick you up
Thrilled to heal your broken soul
Piece you together
Fill the holes
You will never be alone.
There will always be a woman
Who dies inside
to give you a home
We care
We nourish
We save and heal
when it’s not worth it
It doesn’t matter what you do
…who you hurt
…who you break
It doesn’t matter how many
decide to walk away
Because there will always be a woman…
With lips to kiss your wounds
Ears to listen
An open heart just for you
Kind arms and best intentions
Fear not for isolation.
So while I die inside
Rebuild my home
Piece me back together
And cry alone
For you, I know
There will always be a woman.
Though you will always feel alone
You will never be alone
There will always be a woman.
You will always find a home.