Poetry & Art

The Healer

I am a healer. 

Not every moment is to last forever,
People come, people go.
In with the tide,
And in one swoop, released to their purpose.

I’ve got a gypsy heart,
Bouncing from place to place
Leaving daisies in a path,
Once ravaged by flames.

Lending my light to those
Trapped in the shadows of doubt
Helping those who are lost to find love again,
That they too, are radiant. 

To some, I am the person who is easily forgotten.
I am the one who sits in silence,
The one whose name they forget.
A memory.

I’m here, I exist.
But a drop of moonlight am I,
Shining bright to illuminate the world,
But forgotten at the first glimpse of the sun.

Not every moment is to last forever
People come, people go
But if all ever am is a whisper in an ear,
A brief safeguard from the bitterness of this world,
Then who am I to hate goodbyes? 

I am light, I am love,
I am a healer. 



If you enjoyed this piece, be sure to check out Beauty Is Inside

by Liberty Jasnoch

I’m a 24 year old plant-based creative babe from Columbus. By day, I’m a Data Integrity Specialist working in Logistics & Supply Chain. By night, I love to write lyrics and have recently finished the rough draft for my first novel. I’m hoping to be a full time entrepreneur soon & working to make that a reality. Always looking to meet more Columbus creative boss babes- let’s be friends! Connect with me on Instagram at @iamlibertyj !

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