Poetry & Art


Soon we will reconvene
Beneath the same sky and feel the breeze
Run our fingers through our loved one’s hair
Feel the electric connection of a smile and stare
Soon we will climb high on mountain peaks
Run through poppy fields, play hide and seek
We will fly through the air and sing at the top of our lungs
For a war was upon us but we fought and won
Our daily innocence will be restored
Love and laughter will be reborn
We will leap into the arms of all of our friends
For we all have seen darkness and came back to the light again
Soon we will reconvene
And it will be the sweetest rejoice we have ever seen

by Jessi Quinn Claire

I am an educator, poet, endurance athlete, and explorer. My poetry focuses on love and life experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. I write for the hopeful romantics, the guarded, the silent, the joyful, the jaded, and the loving. Poetry has been my strength, my voice, and my heart that I wish to share with the world to heal, to wish, to love once more.

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