Poetry & Art


I dream of spilt blood  

Rotting blood  

Dark yet sweet like licorice  

My body is sending signals to me  

Bleed out the demon  

Bleed out the toxic scum it left inside you  

Sacrifice her  

Offer the fruits that lie within your basket  

Give the gods what they crave  

They are hungry Starving even  

Ravenous for white doves and dirt stained feet  

Stick a needle in my breast  

Show me the light



Author: Gabriela Torres 
Email: [email protected] 
Author Bio: Gabriela Torres is a multidisciplinary artist concentrated in painting, sculpting, and poetry. Her body of work focuses on the female form, sexuality, sensory memories, the psyche, and dreams. You will find her exploring her work at Blockfort Studios in downtown Columbus. 
Link to social media: Instagram @ms.torressss

by Gabriela Torres

A style blogger who's also: A color hunter ? A travel lover ✈️ A coffee addict ☕️with a passion for languages (fluent in Spanish, Portuguese + French!) + writing ✨ Join my journey!


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