Real Stories

One True Romance

I wake up to the sun shining through my window. I stretch and look out the window and see a little blue song bird sitting on my small cherry tree. He sings his song like he’s luring me out of bed. I smell coffee and hear the sound of bacon sizzling. 

“Babe, you need to get up,” I hear a voice ring from down the hall. 

“Don’t worry, I’m getting up,” I yell back. I sit up and look out the window again and see that the song bird had flown away. I slid out of bed and walk into the kitchen. “Hey honey what are you making,” I say bringing my girlfriend into a hug. 

“I’m making your favorite, now get off so I can make it,” she pushes me off. 

“Okay, fine is there anything I can do,” I say while I go to sit down at the kitchen table. 

“Well I’m almost done with this so if you don’t mind helping me make a few pieces of toast,” she says while focusing on the pan in front of her. 

“Yes ma’am,” I say lazily getting up from the table. I grab the toaster and a few pieces of bread. “How many do you want me to make,” I say while opening the bread loaf. 

“Oh, maybe just like three,” indecisiveness in her voice. 

“Okay, three it is,” confidence clear in my voice. She laughs her cute laugh and looks over her shoulder at me. I notice and look back at her. She quickly turns her head, her face clearly red from blushing. I turn and make the toast. Once that is complete we sit down, talk about what we are going to do for the day and after we are done eating we clean up our mess and get ready for the day. We get ready and Destyni and I go to the mall, a little mom and pop cafè, and finally a nice restaurant for dinner. 

We finally get back home and decide to stay up a little longer and read. I brew a hot pot of coffee, I grab our favorite books while she starts a small fire in our fireplace. I grab two cups and make us coffee. By the time I am finished Destyni is already reading, I set down the cups and she looks up. “So how long are we gonna be up this time?” 

“I don’t know, what time do you think is a good time,” I say. I sit down and pick up my book. 

“How is an hour since it’s already ten-thirty,” she says while still staring at her book. 

“Sounds good to me,” I reply while I start on my book. 

An hour goes by and I look over at Destyni still enthralled in her book. “Honey, it’s been an hour,” I say quietly. 

She looks up at the clock and then at me, “Dang that hour felt so short.” She gets up and stretches. “I guess it’s time for sleep,” she starts to walk toward our room. “Are you coming?” 

I put out the fire and put our cups in the sink. Finally I make my way into our bedroom and find Destyni already sitting in bed. 

“Took you long enough,” she says as she crosses her arms. 

“Calm down, just let me get changed and I’ll be right there.” I say as I grab my pajamas and head into the bathroom. I look into the mirror, I turn my head side to side seeing how long my hair has gotten. “I need to go get it cut again,” I say quietly to myself. 

“How much longer are you gonna be in there? You know I can’t sleep without you,” she yells at me from the bedroom. 

“Not much longer,” I yell back. I change my clothes quickly, and go back into the bedroom. I slide into bed and Destyni slides up next to me. 

“Took you long enough,” she says with pout on her face. “I’m sorry I took so long, I was looking and saw that I need to get my hair cut down,” I said with a big smile, trying to get her to smile. 

“Fine, we’ll go get it cut tomorrow,” she looks away from me. I look at her for a few minutes then slowly turn over and fall asleep. I wake up first for once, and I slowly get up trying not to wake Destyni. I grab my clothes for the day, and I head into the bathroom. I look at my hair again, and I decide that I’ll tell her today. I quickly get changed and I go into the kitchen and make some scrambled eggs, Destyni’s favorite. I grab a few pieces of bread and pop them in the toaster. When everything is done I put it all on a little platter and I take it to go wake her up. 

I set the food next to the bed, “Babe you need to get up, I made breakfast for you,” I say sweetly trying to coax her out of bed. 

She stirs and wakes up, “What it all this for honey?” she looks at me quite confused. 

“Well remember when you asked me what Nick was short for and I just changed the subject and I would tell you later?” She looks up at me even more confused. 

“Yeah, you’re going to tell me now, why?” she grabs my hand, “honey if you still don’t feel comfortable then you can tell me another time.” She looks at me with loving eyes. 

“I’m ready to tell you.” I take a deep breath. “Nick is short for Nicole.” 

“Really, that’s why you change in the bathroom. I actually had the thought that you were a girl, well not at first.” Her voice trails off. 

“I’m sorry,” I say dropping my head. She puts her hand under my chin and brings my eyes up to hers. 

“Don’t be, do you want to know why. Because I still love you.” I look into her eyes and see the same love in them that I saw yesterday. I hug her. “Honestly I like Nicole a whole lot more than Nick,” she whispered into my ear.  

“I love you,” I say, “Ok, you need to eat, so we can go on a date today.” 

“Fine, but you do too,” she says while looking at the food on her plate. 

“I’ll go make some for myself now,” I say as I walk out of our room leaving Destyni to eat her breakfast.

by Nick Grabowski

I am someone who loves to write. I write stories about myself and about my characters. And I finally found a platform to publish. So thank you to all the people who read my stories.

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