Poetry & Art

New Meanings

I’ve used the same language all my life

Tapping keys on a keyboard

Or pushing a pen along the thin lines of loose leaf

Vocabularies and definitions shifting with age, experience, perspective

Pulling me under an ocean of language


I’ve been so hung up on this word


Stuck to it as if it belongs to me


As if the agency I’ve had in the past still applies in the present


A way of copy/pasting what’s worked before

And blindly assuming it’s one size fits all


Verbs flutter, run, sprint, hurdle their way through my mind

I wonder what I can do


Hustle for


My stomach tightens and all action seems impossible

The same privileges as before

Need not apply


What if I’m not meant to


But to



To survive, remain in existence

And stay


A word I’ve known without acknowledging

Using all of the other words

When one would suffice


The chair in the corner of the room

Existing so effortlessly

That it barely exists at all



Got all of my attention

Filling up all the pages of notebooks

And the space in conversations

Manifest, magnetize, achieve

Like an obsessive broken record focused on that which is not in my possession

At the expense of what is


Patient persistence

Acknowledging the pain

While simultaneously releasing it

A practice rooted in the belief

That I will one day experience something else




Author: Diana Matthews
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Diana’s unrelenting passion for feminism and the empowerment of women and girls globally is the guiding force behind all she does. Most recently, Diana was the associate producer and distribution director for “Dream, Girl,” the documentary showcasing the stories of inspiring and ambitious female entrepreneurs. She is also a mentor for GIRLZ, FTW—an international mentoring organization that matches high school and college girls with female leaders. Born and raised in Calgary, Canada, Diana recently moved to New York City and now calls Brooklyn her home. She has a deep love for connecting with others and strong interests rooted in community development and mentorship.
Link to social media or website: Instagram @dianavoyage 



by Harness Editor

Harness believes that freedom of expression equals female empowerment. The truth? We’re a badass authentic community of fierce women, and we exist to help your voice be heard. Harness is here to be your safe haven. A place to shed the competition, the insecurities. This is a place to rise by lifting others. This is who we are.


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