Our black is beautiful
It’s not just a color
It’s us as a whole supporting each other
You don’t know the magic
The whispers of our name
Just like storms
We have overcame
People used us
Abused us
Back fifty years ago
They thought they ruled us
Then when we had a team
Who had a dream
Should I remind you his name
Dr. Martin Luther King
He was the one with the dream
The one with education
He helped with the movement
To put an end to segregation
He said in one of his speeches
That we should not be judged by our skin
But the content of our character
That was the truth
We have the power
Let’s put it to use
I love everybody
There are so many tears of happiness I am so proud
That we are winning
I can say it out loud
You are beautiful
You are amazing
You are the best
And that’s not shading
We have different shades different views
We have the tools
To unscrew and solve the problem
No longer have to run no ducking and dodging
We can walk
Rip the runway
With our head up everyday
People said we couldn’t do it
We couldn’t follow our dreams
Look at us now we just had five winning queens
Miss USA, Miss Universe, Miss Teen, Miss World, and Miss America
Titles amazingly beautifully made they let us see dreams come true
Just be authentic most of all be you
Makeup is nice it adds a touch
Embrace yourself love you as much
This time I just want to embrace this moment we are in
Love deeper than your skin
This was just a poem to tell you
That you can do whatever you put your mind to