
Lifestyle Diet, Diet Lifestyle?

Let’s be honest here — no one even likes the word “diet” — including me!

To each their own, I always say. Because each person’s diet is different from the next. I personally follow a gluten-free(ish) diet. I don’t have a gluten allergy, but I have a couple of friends who do. I find just being gluten-free(ish) has helped me over all. I feel more energetic and less lethargic when I am following it. I also feel a LOT more focused when I’m following it. Especially at work. I feel like my mind is going 100mph most days and constantly multitasking, so having that kind of focus and energy to power through all my tasks throughout the day is awesome. Other than the gluten-free(ish) diet, I also track macros — but not calories!

I’m not one to track calories for several reasons. Calories are ScArY to me. They freak me out and I feel like I always go over and when I do go over the “allotted” calories for the day, I feel bad about it. I don’t think I or anyone in general should feel bad about their calorie intake.

Back to the macros. I like to track macros because it seems more legit and my brain just enjoys counting up all the fat, protein, and carbs I eat each day. For macros, nothing is too high and all-and-all it’s pretty chill; you don’t have to overthink it.

I say eat, but eat consciously though. I’m a certified fitness nutritionist as well as a personal trainer (I know, I know, everyone and their mother is a personal trainer). It can be a hard habit to start, but always know it only takes 21 days to create a habit.

by Samantha Mahon

I am a 20 something-year-old living in beautiful southern California! I work full time for a medical office as a case manager. I grew up in a small town in Indiana and truthfully, never thought I would make my dream of living in California a reality.


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