My wild days are gone
Run off without me, those unrestrained wild horses
Stampeded off beyond the hillside
To blindness, madness, that abyss of forest unknown unconscious
Me without them. Off they ran. I didn’t stop them.
I thanked them for their pace, and asked don’t look back.
We had a time, those horses and I.
When before I’d unleash them, one by one from the
Dark cover of night. Release their ties
And let them roam rampant through the
Streets, sheets, Balconies and backrooms
Hungry beasts, they fed uninhibited, jubilation pronounced
And often I knew not which one had set to graze:
Was it Joy? Was it Thrill? Was it Denial? Was it Longing?
I don’t question things, as I walk back to my stead of solitude
I dare not stop the stampede as it recedes over the horizon
I wish it well. I wish it fervor, I blow a kiss to add power to the wind
To further fuel those wild hooves as they trample innocent buds
My wild days are gone. Run off without me.
And without them, I rest. Assured.