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Home Exercise Equipment that is Actually Worth Buying

There is a huge list of home exercise equipment available, promising you the results you could get from the gym with the convenience of working out at home. Too few of these items of exercise equipment are worth their weight, however, and many can become a cumbersome and awkward piece of furniture, gathering dust. Here we are going to look at some home exercise equipment that might actually be worth buying.

A Small Collection of Dumbbells

Lifting weights is a simple way to exercise, but many people take this too far and begin pushing their bodies and their muscles past the point of reason. Having the biggest biceps doesn’t make someone strong or healthy.

You should have a small collection of dumbbells ranging in weights up to 10lbs at home to use for a simple and effective workout for your upper body and back. Even at small weights, plenty of reps can give you a more muscle-bound look if that is what you are after. Regular and moderate use will give you effective tone and development of all your key muscle groups.

A Smart Rowing Machine

Rowing machines are fantastic for aerobic and upper-body workouts, as well as giving your back and ab muscles a workout. Rowing gives your body one of the most complete workouts you can get in one activity.

Smart rowing machines use apps and sensors to track your progress. You can use this to set yourself goals and even progress across virtual oceans. Ever wanted to row the English Channel or the Atlantic Ocean? Now you can, in a way, with a smart rowing machine and an app.

A Recumbent Exercise Bike

Recumbent exercise bikes are a much better way to get exercise at home and are much easier to store when you aren’t using them. A recumbent bike is a bicycle that you sit on like a chair, rather than in a saddle. This is much more comfortable and the position of your legs gives you a better workout.

You should check some recumbent bike reviews to find the best recumbent exercise bike that will suit your ability and budget. Naturally if you pay more, you will get a recumbent bike with a higher spec which is ideal if you’re looking to really push yourself.

Wrist Weights and Ankle Weights

These simple and low-cost pieces of equipment can revolutionize your walking, jogging, and running. Wrist and ankle weights wrap around you to provide extra resistance when you walk or run, giving you an extra workout from your regular exercise.

They are also great for committed walkers. You can turn your regular commute into a workout with equipment like this. Each will only weigh a pound or two at most but will add a lot more to even a brisk walk. The more you move your arms, and keep your running form in your legs, the better the effect will be.

Instructional Videos and Structured Exercise Regimes

Celebrity get-fit videos and fitness trend DVDs are not what we are talking about here, but honest advice and instruction from qualified trainers can make a huge difference to home workouts, and there are plenty out there on DVD and on the internet.

Structured exercise regimes can be very effective if you follow them closely, but they can also be expensive. Be wary of late-night infomercials of exercise regimes that make big promises in exchange for big bucks. Look around for alternatives and check reviews online.

A Motor-less Treadmill

The treadmill is possibly the most grueling pieces of equipment at the gym, so why would you want one in your home? They can also cause knee damage, as well as pain in your feet. Motor-less treadmills offer something different, however.

Without a powerful motor setting the speed for you, the motor-less treadmill actually provides resistance to your normal running pace. This is much more comfortable for your knees and back, as you are not rushing to catch up, but actually moving at your own pace. They are much quieter too, which is great if you live in an apartment and don’t want to annoy the neighbors.

A Dog!

Not your typical piece of exercise equipment, but if you want to get lots of exercise and fresh air, and you want a partner that is going to drive you on and get you out and exercising each day, then a dog is a great idea.

Of course, you should only ever get a pet if you are looking to make a new addition to your family, and are prepared to give it all the love and attention it needs to live a full life. The rewards of a dog don’t end with health and fitness, but they are the perfect exercise partner and trainer and will keep you exercising regularly because you need to exercise them.

Hopefully, this quick guide has given you some home exercise equipment ideas that will help you get fit and stay healthy at home. With the right piece of equipment for you, you can lose pounds and save time and money on trips to a gym.

by Harness Editor

Harness believes that freedom of expression equals female empowerment. The truth? We’re a badass authentic community of fierce women, and we exist to help your voice be heard. Harness is here to be your safe haven. A place to shed the competition, the insecurities. This is a place to rise by lifting others. This is who we are.


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