Her love is permanent.
Her love is unconditional
She loves Him with a fervor
That is unmatched
By any other love around.
She speaks to Him in soft whispers
Declaring her undying love for Him.
Her love is undeniable
Her love is persistent
Seeking Him
Every day.
Her love is Him.
Her strong tower
Her light in a world of darkness.
Her security
In an un-secure world.
Author: Anita Smith
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Writer. Editor. Wife. Mother. Lover of Jesus and God. My passion for words began at an early age. I spent hours writing in my diary, thinking of poems and stories to draft. I majored in English in undergrad and grad school and taught on both the high school and university level for several years.
Link to social media or website: Instagram @melaninwomanwriter