Every Year
Poetry & Art

Every Year

In the chapters of our life, the pages
run full, creased, wrinkled.

Recall softens the stories,
and thoughts run a flurry

a shaken snow-globe of memories
as intricate and delicate as snowflakes.

We scan through the columns of the
past looking for the warmth left behind,

and we find it, wrapped in a package
of tradition, with care and purpose,

strung through our hearts, tiny fairy
lights illuminating those fragments

imprinted in time, reborn each season
through music, merriment and love.

We spread the hidden tales of
those captured moments sharing

the story of our lives.

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by Tania Erzinger

TAK Erzinger is an American/Swiss poet, artist and teacher with a Latino background. Her close relationship with nature and her struggles with PTSD feature prominently in her work. The themes in her poetry touch upon varying degrees of loss, forgiveness and healing, as well some environmental and social commentary. She lives in a Swiss valley with her husband and two cats.


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