Real Stories

DearMe: A Letter to Your Future Self

Have you ever sat down to write a letter to a new version of YOU? This is one of the most powerful exercises you can follow to experience true transformation in your life.

There’s beauty in the words we write, but the true beauty lies in the words we write to ourselves. If you are anything like me, my love language is Words of Affirmations which means I feel a deep connection to words and conversations. Although it is powerful to have breakthrough conversations with others, I believe that the most empowering conversations we can share in our lives are the conversations we have with ourselves.

I’ve written a letter recently welcoming a version of myself that I am transforming into while I embark on the next chapter of my life. On the outside, it reflects a move and relocation to a new city. On the inside, it reflects so much more. Here is the letter I wrote to the new version of myself, while I welcome all that is mine to claim during this process of transformation.


Dear Ashley,

I admire your strength and courage by continuing to rise after you’ve fallen. You’ve got a fire in you that is magnetic and is something I will never take for granted. You’re my number one heroine and the best role model I could have ever asked for. May you allow me to move forward with grace, following the aligned paths that are meant for you to discover… and when life’s waves come crashing towards the shore, may you use your strength & faith to flow through them, rather than resist & fight to the surface.
May you use your strength to tap into your divine intuition as that voice and clarity are the essences of YOU. Find the space to listen to her guidance every chance you can because we know the outcomes when you don’t! My promise to you now and every day after is that we are going to live abundantly. There is so much love to give and receive, experiences worth living and sharing, and new faces to welcome onto this journey with you. May you never come from a place of lack or scarcity, & always from a place of prosperity.


We are the main character in the story of our lives. We have the power to write and revise our narratives as we see fit. My assignment to those of you who feel drawn to this exercise is to honor your gift and the message you have to share with others, but most importantly the narrative you share with yourself. May these letters to the future, more transformed YOU bring you the peace, clarity, and motivation you seek to evolve into the best version of yourself each and every day.

by Ashley Graham

Never underestimate the power of coffee and a woman with a vision of intention.

It all started with an espresso machine and a dream. Coffee breaks are essential for sharing creative ideas and inspiration, discussing trends and news, spending quality time in good company, and of course, enjoying the delicious flavors and aromas of coffee. To Ashley Graham, coffee is more than a drink - it is a lifestyle.
Ashley Graham is the founder and creative director of Brandesso, a modern-day branding and marketing agency that infuses brand authority through caffeinated strategies and communications. To Brandesso, every brand has a unique story. Their creative process is to filter the raw, unique details of a brand and incorporate a well-rounded methodology and strategy that brews the brand to stand out in their industry as an authoritative figure.

Within the competitive landscape of agencies around the world, Ashley’s goal for Brandesso is to rise to the top in facilitating business operations and maintaining client relationships. Brandesso is on a mission to be the leading example of breaking the disconnect and cycle of the cut-throat agency dynamic; to create a more holistic and cohesive approach to client relationships and internal culture, to increase client/employee retention and longevity.

Known as a “Jill of all trades”, Ashley Graham is a serial entrepreneur who channels her passions, talents, and personal values to make a difference in the creative space. Pioneering the belief of building personal brands, Ashley is on a mission to launch a series of new content streams across social media to increase awareness with her brands. You can follow along on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and more.

Ashley Graham is the epitome of a girl boss, defying expectations and trumping the negativity that tries to hinder her from achieving her dreams. You can find Ashley driving around in her convertible Fiat sipping on coffee made from love with her Nespresso machine, heading to client meetings, influencer events, or frolicking to a new bar or restaurant. Ashley owes her inspiration for success to her transparent personality, long car or plane rides, and books by authors who win at life.


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