This world can suck the life out of you. It can drain you dry, steal you of your innocence, your joy, and rob you of your voice. With everything going on within this world, the thought of wondering when does it end? comes to many minds. It crosses over the minds of all ages, races, and genders, some having it as a fleeting thought, others, a constant burden to bear within their minds. These thoughts leave no room for peace. No room for comforting thoughts or thoughts of encouragement.
I would know, it is a burden in which I find myself carrying at times.
A constant thought that not only crosses my mind but makes it bed there.
A thought that can dwell within my most inner self, slowly making my mind its new residence. As I begin to settle in that mental mind space, as I start to have those thoughts become my new normal, my mind and flesh begin to get comfortable if that mental way of thinking. But, my spirit, a very weak and tired spirit chimes in very softly, reminding me of one promise that was given to me by Jesus, the only one who can offer peace in which this world cannot offer.
“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
-Matthew 11:28
Come to me…
Do you want to know the first thing that I think of when I read that verse? I instantly want to run to His arms and to just lay there. To just lay and not think about the horrors of this world. To just sit at the feet of Jesus and extinguish anything that is not of Him. I mentally picture myself laying my head in his lap, weeping and clinging to Him. I crave to feel His presence surrounding me, protecting me from the devil’s attacks that continue to try and consume my mind. Running to reach Jesus in this world of uncertainty, this world that causes so much burden within a human’s soul, this world that can strip away any dignity that someone could be clinging onto for life, is the little tiny glimpse of hope that I can grasp onto for dear life.
I am weary….
I am burdened…
I need rest…
All I have to do to is rest in Him.
My dear friend, if you are anything like me and you struggle with the weight of this world, I ask you to meet me at the feet of Jesus. Meet me there so that we can give Him our burdens. Meet me there so that we can release all hate, jealously, anger, anxiety, and greed. Meet me there so that we can weep and find comfort in Him. Meet me there so that we can overcome this world as He overcame it. Meet me there so that we can find Victory.
“Come to me” … He offers.
Let us meet Him there.