beauty and the beast
Poetry & Art

Beauty And The Beast


He’s monstrous, uncivilized, a bit peculiar.

We’ve never met a beast like him; it’s something unfamiliar.

He’s the talk of the town, something to be feared.

Every time he is mentioned, everyone is ready to jeer.

No one will be spared once he is released.

Now tell me, who could ever love a beast?


Oh, but here comes a maiden we all know very well.

She lives with her father and is well known as Belle.

An intelligent girl; reading is her passion.

Unlike the Beast, she is able to show compassion.

Years before the love in him had deceased.

So, tell me who could ever love a beast?


Poor Belle, trapped in the castle alone.

With nothing but ornaments talking like it’s the norm;

Friendship in them she has found.

Even the Beast has made her spellbound.

Has something stirred within them, has the affection increased?

Has she fallen in love with the Beast?


As the last petal falls,

Down goes the castle’s walls.

Maybe the witch’s curse was to remain;

The lives they once had can never be regained.

True love was supposed to succeed.

Didn’t she fall in love with the Beast?


True love’s kiss is supposed to end it all.

But instead we witness the Beast’s downfall.

It took long to realise but the Beast she really did adore;

There’s something there that was there before.

Her love succeeded, and the curse ceased.

She really did fall in love with the Beast.


Author: Nishat Ahmed
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Just a writer who uses words to express her feelings
Link to social media or website:


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