Leisharn Gregory
Hi, my name is Leisharn Gregory. I'm a writer under the pseudonym of Liem. You can find my poetry under liempoetry on Instagram, and Facebook. I’m an Australian Indigenous (Kija) & Northern Japanese women, born in Western Australia. My interests are in Art and writing. I love reading about Molecular biology, Astrology, Mythology, and the connection between science, and spirituality. Through my love of science, esoteric and metaphysical knowledge, I can see the connection between stories of creation from ancient cultures, and modern-day science; like a hidden bridge lost in symbolism. I believe it's much easier to memorise through inter-generational storytelling; an example the Petroglyphs and Pictograms in ancient rock art (before writing was invented) before we were able to write down and easily distribute scientific terminology and knowledge, whether it be in mathematical equations, biological, chemical processes, names, classification, and the order of which they fall into in our plant and animal kingdoms, etc universal law. I'm currently studying a Diploma in Psychotropic Plants and Hypnotherapy PL regression, and due to enrol in further studies to enhance my knowledge of similar sciences. I have a great love for reading, I love a good cup of coffee (methylanxines) and spending time with my little family. I get great satisfaction out of connecting, inspiring and motivating people, in my opinion, we are all important no matter what race, socioeconomic status, physical aesthetic etc. I believe in the power of positivity, Inclusion and Love, and I always follow my heart.
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Mental Wellness

Finding Happiness through Self-Forgiveness

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Poetry & Art

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Emotional Poison

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Queens Don't Bow To Jokers On Pedestals

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