Self Achievement

~A wholesome Mid-Year Reset ~


…What you aim at determines what you see.

Time is flying by so quickly and we may wonder what we have done this past mid-year. Feelings of overwhelm and fear can cripple and because of that, It’s important to cultivate a healthy relationship with time and our mindset.

A desire to grow is not the same as being negative about where we at…we need to choose our state of mind to move forward on our goals, and to remember that we are valuable even if we don’t attain certain goals I know it’s easy to say this but this has to be a daily reminder because it builds character and resilience.

If we have life and health we can always try to strive for better,…

~Took kits~

Compassion, flexibility, options need to be our tool kits for life especially in times of pressure, another important piece of the puzzle is Seeing things from different angles for example: asking for help from the right people and if we don’t have the right people get the support we need from books, self-help, self-development or life management books, James clear “Atomic habits” is a good book to start.

To Review and reset our goals is crucial to describe your past months, the highlights, the difficulties, things you learned, what can you make better, what do you want, what do you want to give up, which goals are the most important?

Schedule everything, prioritize healthy sustainable habits you want to implement. The importance of reviewing your goals makes you clear whether you still want to attain certain things or if you want to give up, yes giving up is also an option and shouldn’t be a source of shame it has to be normalized in life we need to choose things that we can sustain and stick to it.

~Question yourself~

In times of change, radical self-care and kindness are crucial to moving toward our desired outcomes, safety in speech and action are crucial for growth.

Here are some good questions to have in our tool kit when we are reviewing or working on our midyear review:

Am I being kind to myself in the process of resetting and reviewing ?

Am I betraying myself?

Am I taking responsibility for my life?

Who do I want to be?

What am I calling forth in my life?

Do I want to do this?

Who can I ask for help?

Does this goal/goals brings me joy or are draining and not aligned with me?

Am I taking action towards my dreams?

Questioning is a tool of self-reflection and it’s a way of choosing to be in charge of our own lives, Instead of choosing the unhelpful decision of staying overwhelmed and stress it’s important to remember that we are in control of our lives.

May we be in peace and not in pieces my beloveds, lets make the best out of this mid-year of 2021


by emilia duarte

Emília Duarte is a Mozambican multidisciplinary artist , she interconnects writing, illustrations and painting. Her art is the ultimate expression of what most presses her mind. She is largely inspired by the beauty of things in her surroundings - details in the built environment-her travels and the relationship individuals have with their objects move her deeply.
The artist has a spontaneous relationship with art, emotional and visual sincerity are crucial; as Picasso said, "I put in my pictures everything I like" and that is exactly what she does.
Writing plays a crucial role in Emilia Duarte's life, it is impossible to think about painting or drawing without writing her emotions or reflections.
Emilia Duarte holds a degree in organizational psychology, a bachelor's degree in clinical psychology, a degree in journalism and has a background in fashion design.


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