Poetry & Art

A sad movie

Her mind slowly transitions as she starts thinking clearly

She still doesn’t understand it fully

 And she once allowed her thoughts to turn into bullies

And each time she executed poorly

There were times when she was calm and out of nowhere she got moody

It felt like her life was a sad movie

Where there was more sadness than beauty

What was once a goofy soul

Now turned into a gloomy soul

And now she wasn’t even feeling whole

And she feels nothing but alone

And she lacks self-control

And it creates nothing but damage

It was way too much baggage

Even breathing became a challenge

But her soul she had to examine

The savage thoughts had to vanish

by Glory Castillo

My name is Glory Castillo. I have been writing poetry since a very young age. Being an only child, I needed to find a way to process pain alone. I believe poetry is a form of art, expression and therapy. It helps me cope and it also makes me happy when other people can relate to it. Being in the health care field, gives me a better understanding of how important it is to let your mind relax and your thoughts flow. Poetry is my therapy.


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