Poetry & Art

I used to be, but now I’m not

I Used to Be, But Now I’m Not

I used to be hardcore and able to control my feelings, but now I have no idea how to keep it in. 

I used to be able to only cry every so often, but now it wants to pour out for the simplest things. 

I used to be attached to the shows I watched and cried when someone died, but now I feel like it’s stupid to do so, even when a part of me says ‘I dare you,’ I don’t.

I used to cry for characters in my shows who lost their babies, but now I don’t even shed a tear when my favorite character dies. 

I used to be able to keep a poker face, but now I’ve come to realize that I’ve always expressed how I was feeling through my facial expressions.

I used to be super strong and take everything that hit me, but now I sometimes can’t take a simple joke. 

I used to be headstrong and independent, but now it seems that I want someone by my side. 

I used to be bossy and demanding, but now it has turned into excessive anger and being a raging bitch.

I used to care about important things, but now I couldn’t be bothered at times. 

I used to feel like I was a part of something, but now I feel alone.

I used to feel confident and everyone I was friends with loved me, but now I feel constantly judged.

I used to feel included and wanted, now I feel like I shouldn’t be around. 

I used to have confidence and know when I was doing something good, but now I need constant validation.

I used to feel all the time, now I’m numb,

I used to be a whole person, but now I feel like only half.

  If you like this article, check out: https://stories.harnessmagazine.com/whats-the-word-for-how-it-feels-to-end-something-that-never-even-started/

by Alyssa Henry

I am in college to be a creative writer. I want to go into publishing. I'm a Feminist. Being able to write for and read a magazine focused around women is amazing! I have had two pieces published so far and I hope to do more and be helpful for someone looking for the right direction or someone to relate to.

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