Poetry & Art

Back to work & back to you

Here I sit at my new desk

Wondering why I can’t get endless thoughts of “what ifs” out of this head…

I never thought I’d be back here,

– Calling, schedule, copy, shred –

I swear this office work will never end.

I finally have the time to be

The truest deepest version of me.

The fact I sit here and I write

Shows the truth, my decision is right

In spite of all my fears and doubt.

It’s like the man,

The one with whom I have a whole life plan…

The man who’s safe and keeps me warm

The one that makes my heart feel full & loved,

Yet somehow I still feel torn…

I know I have to see this through,

I know it’s time for my ego to stop shining through.

It’s time to love, it’s time to be

It’s time to accept that stability actually can suite me


If you like this article, check out: https://stories.harnessmagazine.com/7-practical-ways-to-slow-down-and-enjoy-life/

by Alexandria DeLorenzo

I believe life is all about lessons. I think we learn the most about ourselves through the experiences we encounter and that's what I like to write about. Writing for me is a way to process. A way to feel. A way to get down and dirty, and most of all, real.

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