Poetry & Art


We need you.  Yes, I am talking to you.  The one who hides when eyes focus on you.  The one who worries about being seen.  Now is not the time for you to hide.  Your tribe is waiting for you.  Even though it seems like the world is falling apart, we need you.  Now is the time to stand up, stand out, and speak out.  For every person who turns away from you, there are two more around the corner, waiting to wrap you up in their arms.  You will never be alone.  There’s a family waiting for you if your blood family disowns you.  It’s time to come home to your worldly family.


We need you.  It doesn’t matter what color you are, what you identify as, or who you love.  We need you.  The tide is rising and we need you to help combat the waves.  No matter what anyone says, you are loved and you were created with love by the one true Spirit.  You are beautiful and don’t ever change who you are.  We love you.


We need you.  We need your bravery.  We need your truth.  We need you to sing your song and shine.  The truth of who you are is going to help save this world and we need you to live it. Now is the time to be bold, brave, and walk in your power.  We will hold you in grace and love and protect you with the force of a thousand armies.


We need each other.  Now is the time for us all to come together.  Now is the time for us to join hands and stand up to the systems and people that oppress us.  Now is our time to overcome and show the world that we are not going anywhere.  Now is the time that the world gets to feel our presence, our power, and our love.  They get to witness the beauty of diversity and the beautiful tapestry of humanity that we are.  We get to be love in action.  We get to be Spirit moving on earth.   We get to love each other and fight for the good of all.  Stand up.  Take a deep breath and show the world your truth.  It’s time.  Be unapologetically proud of who you are.  The world is ready for you, no matter who says otherwise.  Shine and walk in your light.  We need you.  


If you like this article, check out: https://stories.harnessmagazine.com/a-moment-to-reset/

by Chere Hampton

I am a writer, griot, storyteller, warrior, healer, earth mother, and lover. Writing is one of the things that I am most passionate about. I have been writing since fifth grade and it has been one of the ways I can best use my voice in this world. Current events have given me plenty of things to write about. I believe in spreading love, hope, possibility, and life through my words and I am honored to be part of this community.


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