Poetry & Art

Like Music

Yesterday I went to my first writers’ group.

I sat among writers. Quiet. Memorized. As I listened to their words flow like music 🎶.

Words spoken beautifully. And I listened, attentively; I listened, to words that swung from their lips to my ears like arms across the voided spaces of a jungle gym.

The melodic sounds of the written word sang gracefully, like dandelions swaying in the light breeze of a hot summer day.

I sat stoic, yet memorized, taking it all in, the beauty of the written word. Oh, the beauty of the written word. Beautiful is the written word that is meant to encapsulate the unsuspecting listener.

by Azeezat Lawal

As a health and wellness enthusiast, aspiring content writer, and avid traveler -Ahzizah enjoys traveling to see and experience new parts of the country and world as a source of inspiration and creativity. She's still a big work in progress but she loves being a part of a large community where she can learn from others, share, and showcase positive ideas in an uplifting and creative way.

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