Real Stories

Rhythm of Rest

Rest has a rhythm and feels like the silent anthem of groove. The absence of sound ushers in depth and emotion. Its notation is seen and its definition is felt. Rest has value in the music and also in our own rhythms we create. The value in music is telling of how long it lasts as a note, of the time we rest. And, the value in our own songs will be telling of indefinitely more. Rest is support in the suspense. It’s a breath of fresh air and a provision of instruction.

How do I note, define, or value my own rhythm of rest?
… before I get caught again in a rhythm of slavery, to other demands over my cues to rest?
… when silence and absence of activity seem unattractive because they don’t look like productivity?

But, what depths am I missing if I skip over the moments that were meant for silence? If I don’t recognize that my times of rest have value and designated places in the rhythms of my work and life?

Maybe the short moments of silent breaks actually make each day more effective. Maybe full days, or longer, of a pause on certain projects actually make room for new energy for what’s to come.

I hope rest becomes the silent anthem to our grooves, refreshing us physically and creatively, making us go deeper, and producing what could only come out of these times of silence.

by Elim Loi

Connecting creatives, curating goods, and inspiring groove through Groove TPE.


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