May 21, 2019, I went to the Endocrinologist for my Graves Disease.
I was suppose to get a simple Thyroidectomy, against her will.
Instead she chose to give me a poisonous pill.
30 Microcules of classified I-131,
On June 12, 2019, it was done.
I should have been more proactive in learning about other medical options,
or even her credentials.
Unfortunately the damage had already begun.
Two days later, I found out the pill was not in my favor.
It destroyed my thyroid completely and changed my life immediately.
Months and months have gone by.
My menstrual cycle has gone awry.
Every organ in my body has been affected.
Now, I will never know if I will have the baby, as I elected.
A 10 centimeter fibroid is consistenly growing in my uterus, and
A cyst sits on my right ovary.
I did not find this out until 6 months later.
I blame myself, because I was a healthy 28 year old woman.
At 29, it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am writing this as a form of truth and awareness.
Women, do your research, love your body, and treat it as the temple that it is,
We are givers of life, don’t take that for granted.
One choice can leave you feeling stranded.
I am just being honest and real.
I want you to know this, because it is unbearable how I feel.
However, I do believe in miracles and I can’t wait to see the day that the miracle has won.