Poetry & Art


Why do a feel like a hamster in a cage…is it not a new year?
My mind tells me to keep pushing through, it will get better.
But it doesn’t.
I wait….and I make excuses.
It’s Thanksgiving.
Valentine’s Day…I don’t want to be alone.
Another year has passed.

I walk up and down the confines of my room.
Thinking of options.
Writing down the negative.
There are few positive.
I was told to do this once…
What keeps me here.
My mind.

Is it playing tricks on me?
It may…he hasn’t changed.
Words are that used to caress my heart now change my name.
Hands used to caress and hold, now throw punches at my physique.
Confused, I’m tormented within my inner-self.
Leave or stay.
The question is not a question, but an obstacle.
Among…opinions, beliefs, disbeliefs, standards.

Do I choose the high road?
Suffer the consequences
Or do I languish in despair?

Damn the torpedoes? No…damn what society thinks!
I walk
‘Cause, these boots were made for walking
And that’s what I’m gonna do
Hand in hand with Nancy

by Kimberley Mullins

K.E. Mullins is retired from the Navy and currently works as a Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) Instructor in Gainesville, Florida. She graduated from National University with a MBA in Finance and University of Central Florida with a Major in Marketing. Ms. Mullins is a Jacksonville, Florida native and has enjoyed reading and writing since her early childhood. She began her writing career while in the Navy by venturing into poetry.

Her first poetry piece, “My One Last Cent,” was published in a literary journal, “Amistad” in 2007 at Howard University. Currently, Ms. Mullins has self-published a book of poetry, “Thinking Aloud: Dimensions of free-verse” and her fiction novels, “The Friends and Family Connection: Get Unplugged” and “In the Company of Strangers (TEAM ICE)”, and “Murder: Another Name for Revenge”, the last book in her series all are available for purchase on Amazon in paperback or Kindle.

She was chosen this summer to be one of eight participants in Lip Service true stories sponsored by Miami Book Fair with the theme, “Cravings with Consequences” in front of a live audience. In addition to writing poetry, Kimberley has done spoken word venues in Urban Grind, Atlanta, GA, Busboys and Poets in Washington, D.C., and the Thomas Center, Gainesville, FL.


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