Poetry & Art

The Power

The darkness overwhelmed me.
I longed for a guiding light.
I looked down to see this little girl
standing at my right.
She gripped my hand tightly
and gave it a big squeeze.
Instantly our intertwined fingers
put my anxious thoughts at ease.
The darkness was still there, though,
it hovered above our heads.
I gazed up at the black monstrosity;
my body filled with weighted dread.
Dread that it would consume me
and eat up this little girl too.
I am now more afraid for her than me,
but I’m frozen and don’t know what to do.
Then I felt another squeeze of my hand
and looked down at the figure beside me.
The little girl just stood with a big smile,
remaining calm as can be.
I asked her, “Why are you smiling love?
There’s nothing to smile about.
The darkness is here to destroy us.
We need to find a way out.”
She laughed as if I said something crazy
and pointed straight to the sky.
“Don’t worry, Mama,” she said, “we’ll be okay.
Because the darkness is a lie.
It does not exist but only in your mind.
It cannot harm you at all.
What seems so big in your imagination
is actually quite small.
You make it big when you focus on that very thing;
it magnifies beyond measure.
But see that speck of light, focus on that,
and you will begin to see the treasure.
Light can overcome any darkness;
darkness cannot consume light.
The two can never coexist.
Because the illumination is much too bright.
You have the power within you.
You need only believe that you do.
But if you need a little help with it,
I will help you see it through.”
Then all of a sudden she started to glow.
Her light blinded my eyes.
She squeezed my hand once again;
my light burst out,
and the blackness of night met its demise.
Peace settled within me,
a calmness I’ve never felt before.
I didn’t want this feeling to ever end;
this beautiful joy, I wanted more.
I turned to the little girl to thank her.
Her presence helped me believe.
But she wasn’t there; I looked all around.
She was nowhere to be seen.
Was she a figment of my imagination?
A lie like the darkness too?
Then I heard that still soft voice say,
“No Mama, I was just the power within you.”

by Ellen Andaya

I am the Daughter of a King. Mother to an awesome kid. Lover of Freddie Mercury and Queen, books, writing, poetry, dogs, french fries, potato chips, and Diet Pepsi.

Writing has been my love and my vice. Poetry has been my therapy.


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