Poetry & Art


*Content Warning: This piece contains references to sexual assault, which may be triggering to some.*

Many yesterdays ago. . .
One night out and
a couple of alcoholic drinks.
Just friends hanging out
lead to all this doubt.
You thought you could trust him,
but he undressed you,
and you still don’t know if,
his friend undressed you too.
Him or was it them?
So obsessed with your body
and you don’t know if,
they touched your breast too.
But you know that
more was done to.
Your mind in distressed.
Your body being caressed
without you knowing,
but your heart knew and
and it made your soul, depressed.
Feels just like yesterday
doesn’t it?
Your body remembers
waking up to the sunrise naked.
Can you get away?
Read the top part again but
turn every you to I
and every your to my.
That’s my story too.

My body was intoxicated,
and here I am;


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