Historically, religion has always been a stout fixture in any community. The encompassing concepts make it a staple in the lives of its followers and it’s wildly successful. Religion generally aims to solve the centuries old question—why are we here? Well, sort of. The answer to this question has manifested a pass for spirituality.
The creation of the moral code for the living came to solve all earthly problems. If you follow the ethics of a religion and live void of moral ineptitude, you will be rewarded somehow in the afterlife or spiritual continuum. Religion has organized its entire premise on this code with: prayers, laws and dedicated worship.
Spirituality has the benefit of embodying some characteristics of traditional religion but with a relaxed, new age attitude. Psychology Today perfectly defines the duality of spirituality.
Spirituality can mean different things to different people. For some, it’s primarily about participation in organized religion. For others, it’s a non-religious experience that involves getting in touch with their spiritual selves through private prayer, yoga, meditation, quiet reflection, or time in nature.
The beauty of being spiritual in 2020, is that it can be partially secular. Basically, you ground yourself in nature, the universe, a higher power, one religion or multiple without strict guidelines. The ability to show appreciation and learn from energy and the world around you is more inclusive than say, sitting in a pew for a few hours once or twice a week.
While many people can have the same transformative and spiritual connectedness from reading scriptures, singing along and hearing sermons on interpretations — traditional churches lack the flexibility that spirituality provides.
Now that people have unlimited access to different religions and belief systems, some are taking advantage of what makes them feel more in sync with the world around them. The masses are no longer required to attach themselves to the religion that was taught to them or part of their culture.
Millennials and Gen Z’s have skipped out on practicing traditional religion because of antiquated and rigid beliefs. Younger generations are seemingly more fluid and open to the eccentricities that exist among us while tradition consistently remains stagnant.
This system of spirituality allows followers and non-followers to venture out and cherry-pick what makes sense for them and their personal beliefs.
Spiritual people still rely on a guide to explain the entricacries of life and extending a moral conscience. The lure of this lifestyle is being able to explore these options with a wider lens and less restriction.
In today’s social climate, people are likely to steer away from tradition. Plenty are heeding the call to be true to themselves and that directly correlates with who and what they worship, if they chose to worship at all.
The ability to interpret life for yourself is more meaningful in that respect. Opening a new world of spiritual experiences and can inspire followers and non-followers alike to find their own lane.