Poetry & Art

Wherever You Are

Where do you spend your time now that your soul is free?

Are you up above the clouds somewhere among the stars

Or are you with the ocean waves as they crash onto the rocky shore

Do you help the gentle spring breeze carry the smell of wildflowers

Maybe you help the first winter snowflakes dance around without ever landing

Perhaps you aren’t any of these places

But instead somewhere in the colors of the sunrises and sunsets that start and end the day


It hasn’t been easy without you

And I wonder if I’d make you proud

This grownup person that I’ve become

Even after all these years I can’t help missing you

Wondering what everything would be like if you were still here


But sometimes,

When the perfect song comes on the radio

That first flower of spring pokes through the frosted ground

In the stillness that follows a snowstorm

When the sun breaks through the dark storm clouds

In every shooting star and rainbow

I’d like to think you’re saying hi

A gentle reminder that you’re watching over me

From wherever you are

by Brieanne Kocka

I’m thirty and still trying to figure it all out. I'm constantly on the search for positivity and optimism while fighting back an anxious mind. I've always used writing as a way to sort through everything that is happening to and around me and I've recently regained the courage to put it out there for anyone to see.

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