The Oranges Taste Like Onions
Poetry & Art

The Oranges Taste Like Onions

The oranges taste like onions
I could have sworn I cleaned this cutting board
When I bite into my orange it tastes like an onion.
The history of the board lingering
I ate an orange and it tasted like an onion
What I thought would be sweet, tasted bitterly familiar.
The past fades but leaves its marks
So beware when you bite into an orange it may taste like an onion.
Clean your board, so that your orange will taste like an orange.

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by Brandy A

I am a California girl with a whimsical, child like faith. I love Jesus, and my faith is a big part of my life. My writings have been inspired by my own trials, adventures, and ever-changing seasons. Hit a quarter of life this year, and am feeling all the feels, but some great articles and writing pieces have given me new glimpses of hope in this season as well as past ones. Words are powerful, and writing has impacted me since I was little. May my words speak life, encouragement and make you feel less alone in all the feels life throws at us.

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