Poetry & Art

Not Tired Just Sad

“You look tired’

It is easier to disguise being tired with being sad,

No one will question why you have under eye-bags the size of spoons or if you stayed up too late doing nothing but everything.

They will assume being tired is due to your ambition of creating, to stay productive. But what they don’t know is how instead you lay in bed at night with tears running down your cheek, re-imagining the life you wanted, scenarios playing re-wind, how you wish you could have done things differently.

How you seek answers into the unknown with no direct response back. 

It’s easier to say “yeah I just didn’t get any sleep last night” than to liquidate your heart-out for people who would not do the same. For strangers who would willingly stab your soul in-order to regain theirs. 

by Camila Valdes

I started writing as a way to cope with my anxiety and depression, it became my form of self expression where I would release all the emotions I felt into words. Until recently, I kept what I wrote quiet because everything felt too vulnerable and I wasn't sure I wanted anyone to read what I had to say so instead I created a fashion blog. Fashion has been my first love since I was around 3 years old and I have hopes of becoming an editor or designer but in the meanwhile my goal is to keep creating as an artist and invoke my readers and audience into a small piece of my world.


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