Real Stories

Fire and Desire

You are fire.

I am earth.

Together, we wouldn’t work.

Because you were fire and I always felt the burn.

I brought peace and you brought pain.

Sometimes, I needed a little help from the rain.

The rain was supposed to calm things down and make the load feel lighter.

But still, I always felt the fire.

You were fire.

I was earth.

That fire wasn’t always a bad thing.

But that fire in my heart made loving you sting.

Every time I saw you I’d get this sensation.

From my hands to my feet, tasting you was always so sweet.

You were what I was looking for to make me feel complete.

But unfortunately, you always caught cold feet.

I was always able to shake things up a bit.

But in your eyes, I was just throwing a fit.

That one night your fire made me feel higher.

Do you remember it?

I think that was the one time you’d say I didn’t complain a bit.

The one time we almost fit.

You were fire.

I was earth.

At night, it felt like my heart was going to burst.

At night, that’s when I’d give you my best lecture.

At night, that’s when my feelings would always fester.

You made me see myself in a new light.

A new light to see that I don’t always need to fight.

See, I told you that fire could bring good light.

My earth could bring so much peace and sanity.

These are the things we both seemed to need..

You are fire.

I am earth.

Maybe one day, we could make things work.


by Precious Ferrell

I am a 22 year old college graduate. Poetry helps me put my feelings and thoughts into words, when I cannot seem to verbally express them. I love the arts, I believe it was my first love. I hope to reach others out there who feel the same way I do most times.


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