Poetry & Art

Not Yours To Keep

I don’t understand why I crave you.

Why I want your pain.
A vessel of unknown darkness.
Subconsciously thinking I deserve this.. this is how it should be.
The world is too broken for love… too broken for joy.
This sick vision you present of distorted relationships only proves my words.. not knowing what to believe, one minute it’s sweet but more often than not it’s sour.
Never a priority but I always answer when you call.
The emotion you have for her can never be matched and never be replaced.
How can you say you love her, she’s your soul mate and still kiss me the way you do.
If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out Breaking The Brokenness
by Meagan Acevedo

Adventurer. Health Enthusiast. Dog mom. Flower Child. Storyteller. A baby boomer trapped in a millennials body. As someone who has always struggled to "fit in" writing has always been a way for me to be whoever in a world I created. My works can invoke the most vivid scenes from the dampest of minds.


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