Woman Sitting on Edge of Cliff
Real Stories

Enjoy the Journey

As I continuously embark on this journey called life, I look back at all of my experiences and think of how they have led me to this exact moment. I’ve had setbacks in every area of my life; from school, to my career, to my relationship. When I think about it, however, the journey was mine and every experience made me who I am. Here are three main things I’ve learned along the way:


It’s easy to look at someone else’s life and wish your life was the same. The danger in this is not knowing that you are exactly where you need to be at this very moment. I believe social media is a gift and a curse for this reason. We love to look at people’s beautiful pictures of places they travel to or the cars they drive, but the reality of social media is that people only post what they want you to see. Most people only post the good in their life and not always the bad. You don’t always know what it took for other people to get to where they are in life so it’s best to just concentrate on your own journey and get to where you want to be in life. Easier said than done? I know.


I have this useless habit of thinking about how I would’ve done things differently in college, or how I would’ve done things differently in my past job, or how I wouldn’t have ever applied for my current job. Ultimately, it’s a waste of time. I’m here now. How do I deal with it and move forward? It’s pointless to think of the past. It’s better to just focus on the here and now and put work into the future that you want for yourself.


I spent a lot of my free time in my childhood designing things, rearranging furniture, diy-ing, and redesigning clothes, not realizing that I had a true passion for all things design. For most of my life I was caught up in the, “You have to go to college, get a degree and get a good job to make money and have the life you want,” mentality. I’m not saying I regret getting my degree one bit, but I ignored all of my passions along the way. I thought that they were just hobbies and nothing could ever come from them. Wrong! I started a side hustle to rekindle the flame of my passions and I am eager to see where it will take me. Whatever you do, don’t ignore the passions you have inside because we live in a world full of creative opportunities.

 Enjoy your journey. It’s yours.

Like this post? View similar content here: Dear World, Is Social media Ruining Us? 

by Morgan Watts

My name is Morgan and I’m a 30-something-year-old woman on a pursuit of living out my passions. I’m a child advocate by day and creative by night. I enjoy road trips, hiking, indoor gardening, and writing for my blog. I create home, travel, and wellness content. I currently reside in Northern California with 30+ plant babies.


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