He will say of her:
Look, off she goes
and wondrous and free,
She is she.
He will ask of her plans
and share in her awe
at the lack thereof
and the space
the possibility
the enormity,
She is she.
He will watch her
as she creates
and builds and makes
the already beautiful
a masterpiece,
She is she.
He will go with her
to the tip of the cliff
to the tops of the trees
Just so she can
dangle her feet,
She is she.
He will say of her:
Look, off she goes
Fantastic and wondrous and free,
still so, without me.
She is she.
//she is she
Author: Darcey Dugan
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Aspiring writer/poet. I’m constantly being inspired by the music, art and literature around me, and I have a drive to create something as beautiful.
Link to social media or website: Instagram @darceyydee