
10 Ways To Be Selfish Without Feeling Guilty For It

Stop neglecting your health

If you don’t take care of your body, it will put a dent on pretty much every other area of your life.

The more you take care of yourself, the more your life as a whole benefits from it.

It’s crazy how much of an impact this has.

So fuel your body with the nutrients it needs + get active. You won’t regret it.

You will feel so much more motivated, energetic + happier overall.

You are worthy

Do you need permission to put yourself first? Thought so. Here’s permission.

You deserve a hell of a lot more than what you’re putting yourself through right now.

Stop telling yourself you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, skilled enough, etc.

There is so much room for improvement in your life but it’s up to you to put in that work.

No matter where you are at in life right now, no matter what struggles you’re facing, no matter what situation you feel you’re stuck in, you are worthy of so much more.

So take it. Because you deserve it 100 times over.

And no you don’t need to feel guilty about it.

You can’t help others on an empty tank

If you neglect taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and overall, how do you expect to be able to be there for the people you care about in your life?

It’ll be damn hard.

Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself every once in a while

Go to the spa.

Go get a mani/pedi.

Go get your eyebrows + hair done.

Go get a massage.

Go on a little shopping spree.

Go take a nice, relaxing bubble bath.

Go treat yourself to a nice meal.

Go crazy + indulge a little.

Go do whatever your little heart desires.

Go do what you love.

Taking care of yourself is not selfish

If anything, it’s the best thing you could do for yourself + the people in your life you care about.

So don’t feel guilty for being selfish.

Keep in mind how much you and everyone around you are actually benefiting from it.

Change the way you talk to you

It’s amazing how much your outlook on life changes when you stop talking so negatively about and to yourself.

You have at the choice to be your own worst enemy or best friend.

If you’re constantly putting yourself down, you’ll never go after what you deserve in life.

You’ll always choose mediocre, settle for less than you deserve + never be as happy or satisfied as you could be.

Don’t underestimate your abilities

You have so much potential buried inside of you, babe.

It’s up to you to reach down in and take advantage of it.

Do the best that you know how to + just keep improving.

Your only competition is you.

Always strive to do better + get better.

You’ll thank me later.

If you’re not feeling’ it, fuck it 

Stop letting other people dictate what’s good or bad or right or wrong for you and your life.

You have to live your life the way you feel is best for you.

Otherwise you’ll end up living the way everyone else expects you to live.

Don’t be afraid to have a little fun

If you’ve been putting off fun for some time now because you feel guilty about it, I’m gonna stop you right threre.

Stop taking life so seriously or you’ll go through this whole life + wish you could go back + change how you approached it.

No matter what your profession, no matter where you live or who you know, you can always have little fun.

So embrace it.

Create a morning self-care routine

You should begin your day prepping yourself for the day.

Putting yourself first, first thing in the morning will do wonders to how your day turns out.

Take the time in the morning to wake up, refresh, stretch, workout, eat a nice meal, shower, read a book, meditate, plan the day, etc.

Start your day out this way instead of putting other things first + you will begin to go through your days with ease, less stress + less overwhelm.

Author Name: Kristen Crane
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: I am a lifestyle blogger and I blog over at mylovelyhabits.com. My blog is fairly new but I have big hopes + dreams to make a career out of it one day. I am a total Pinterest addict with well over 12,000 followers on Pinterest + am releasing Pinterest VA services soon. If you’re interested in a Pinterest VA, email me at [email protected].
Link to social media or website: http://www.mylovelyhabits.com



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