Poetry & Art

The Others

The Others in our lives are the ones that hold up the mirror to the parts of Self we struggle to see on our own.

They reflect the parts to which we find ignorance,

They reflect the parts to which we lack recognition,

They reflect the parts to which we overlook as part of Self–

part of darkness,
part of shadow,
part of unfamiliar,
part of unknown.

The Others in our lives are the ones that hold up the mirror to the parts of Self we subconsciously suppress.

They reflect the parts to which we struggle to interpret,

They reflect the parts to which we lack ability to control,

They reflect the parts to which we overlook as part of Self–

part of brokenness,
part of shame,
part of criticism,
part of humility.

It’s not about innocence or naivety toward the parts you consider to not be of your own; it’s about consciously choosing to open yourself up to the understanding that what you see in others—what you deem as unwanted or unaccepted—is what waits for you in your own darkness, in your own shadow, in your own parts of Self left unopened and untouched by consciousness.

It’s not about changing, ignoring, or forgetting certain parts of Self; it’s about reframing the experience, relabeling the observation, and reorganizing the awareness of the memory with intention, with purpose, and awareness of the Self that awaits its finding.

The Others in our lives are the ones that hold up the mirror to the parts of Self we can choose to see on our own.


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