Real Stories

Letting Go: Out With The Old, In With The… Old?

The past few years have been, at times, challenging, but overall, were rewarding. I am finding who I want to be, and who I am from within is finally reflecting on the outside. I now have purpose, direction, and self-determination. Many of my dreams and visions of my future are coming to clarity, and this is primarily due to changing thought processes and patterns of behavior.

This past year especially, I have learned to de-clutter, both around my home and within myself. I have let go of some past pattern of behaviors, changed my eating habits slightly, and exercised more. I cleaned out the closets in my home and donated a lot of clothes to Goodwill. I began journaling, too, about my thoughts and memories. Writing down memories that affect me in some way, and how I felt at that point in time, and who was around me, and writing the words I would have liked to have said, or actions to have made, is part of my healing path of “letting go”.

Journal to the Soul: The art of sacred journal keeping”, by Rose Offner is a journal guide that was given to me by a family member. Although I do not follow everything within the book word-for-word, it has helped me to open my own mind and recall some memories that I have held on to for so long, that have affected how I view my world, and how I view love and friendship.

Life is beautiful. There is beauty even in the so-called ugly. If we can’t find something beautiful in our lives, we must try to de-clutter the past; try to get rid of what it may be that is not helping toward being happy. It can be as simple as cleaning out our rooms of things we no longer need, to cleaning out our like section on Facebook. Little changes in life make things easier and help one decide what one really wants and really needs in their life. Once the clutter is gone, we can find ourselves once again, because nothing will be in our way to distract us from our chosen path. Hence, out with the old, in with the old; our true self who was and is always there. We will shine out from within with a newfound clarity, once the clutter is out of life – both externally and internally. This goes along with people who come and go in our life.

Even though people come and go, no matter who they are, they leave behind something for us to learn from. Be it how to love, how to trust, or – most importantly – to know our own self worth. It may hurt to feel the loss of a loved one, but they always leave behind something to learn from. It’s better to move on, fully, than to dwell on something that is no longer there. It is harder to love and not let go, than to love and knowing its ok to let go when the time comes. We are infinite beings; therefore, we will have to let our loved ones we know here on Earth go. It’s taking the lesson learned that matters, and being happy with the experience and memories, rather than dwelling on the leaving. With going comes knowing, with knowing comes wisdom (self-knowledge), and through wisdom do we learn to love ourselves.

Author: val.180
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: The voice of the spirit is as loud as the whisper in the wind, breath upon the skin, and as delicate as a feather in the wind. The quiet voice is loud, and speaks the truth within you. Let it speak through you, and let it be what it will be. There is no rhythm, rhyme, or reason. The voice of the spirit is felt rather than heard, and when it is heard it is through your own words or way of expression. Speak those quiet words, in any form you wish; through art, verbally, in any way. Let it be and you will see what you are capable of.
Link to social media or website: https://www.instagram.com/val.180

by Valerie Turpin

~When a quiet individual speaks, their voice is loud ~

The voice of the spirit is as loud as the whisper in the wind, breath upon the skin, and as delicate as a feather in the wind. The quiet voice speaks the truth within you. Let it speak through you, and let it be what it will be. There is no rhythm, rhyme, or reason. the voice of the spirit is felt rather than heard, and when it is heard it is through your own words or way of expression.
Speak those quiet words, in any form you wish; through art, verbally, in any way. Let it be and you will see what you are capable of.


My articles contain information I have received on my spiritual path, which I call, my path of life, sprinkled in with creative expressions.

Random teed-bits of information about ME: I am from Southwestern Arizona; I was born in 1990 and I am the second to the youngest of 5 children; I have a Bachelor degree in Social Work and I am currently pursing a Master’s in Social Work.

My interests: Poetry; creating art in multiple forms; history of civilization, diversity of cultures, history of art in multiple forms through the ages, world religions, and world power; Psychology and Sociology; Mysticism; Law & Order; writing (academically and creatively).

Enjoy! and Happy reading. <3

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