Michelle Star
As for writing, in 2014, I self-published my book on healing trauma through Yoga.** It took me 20 years to complete due to the need to integrate hefty spiritual experiences, from a suicide attempt in 1970 at age 23, to studying with self-knowledge tools, to working with an angelic being that channeled and became a "walk-in." He channeled other angels, humans, and masters disseminating and teaching truth, compassion and love. Raised in an alcoholic family dynamic, I learned powerlessness and hatred so Yoga and my angelic friends helped equip me to endure a 15-year spiritual initiation, healing from my childhood, experiencing and healing past life traumas, seeing visions and healing dreams. After the suicide attempt, I embarked on the study of Yoga for 15 years and in 1985 stepped onto the path of sharing Yoga as an avocation. I have traveled a 5-state region offering continuing education workshops for OT/PT's. I taught Yoga for the Cleveland Clinic's scientific study on Yoga and chronic pain in 2000: "The Impact of Yoga on a Chronic Pain Population" conducted by S. Gaur, M.D., Resident Psychiatrist. (The study demonstrated the usefulness of Yoga as a healing tool proven to decrease pain severity and medication use, and improve mood, the results of which were “statistically significant.") I taught for Clinic employees over 5 years and ran my studio in Middleburg Heights, OH. Certified by Kripalu Yoga and Health Center in Massachusetts and Integrative Yoga Therapy, I continue to offer group and private Yoga, Reiki sessions and workshops on various related topics. I am also certified as an intuitive spiritual counselor by Overlight/Paths2Empowerment, Las Vegas NV which allows me to help others through healing and developing spirituality and the vagus nerve. Yoga has been a healing balm over the years, for myself and my students, giving just reason to celebrate 50 empowering years of practice! ** www.michellestaryoga.com (https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1502319683/ref=tmm_pap_title_0ie=UTF8&qid=1561287613&sr=1-6).
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Mystical Wings Aloft

by Michelle Star