Lisbeth Cherrington
Located in Hilton Head, South Carolina, Lisbeth Cherrington is a successful entrepreneur. Lisbeth and four other female founders created Smart Company Kids, a company that gives kids a financial education and teaches them about how it fits into their everyday lives. Lisbeth, a longtime financial advisor, has been aware of the gap in financial education and Smart Company Kids allows her to get to the root and fill in the gaps of finance where traditional education fails. Lisbeth, or Libby as she's known to her friends and colleagues, has been able to develop a platform for home and school with the focus of learning through play. Libby believes that children are sponges and teaching them about finance early through fun and play can result in a great financial future. For more information on Smart Company Kids or Lisbeth Cherrington, please visit her on social media!
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Embracing Your Uniqueness in Your Career

by Lisbeth Cherrington