Jackie Hanson
Jackie is a 28 year old woman slowly but surely navigating her way through the challenges and complexities of building the kind of life you want and deserve despite any obstacles in the way. She is pursuing her Master's degree in Music Therapy and will soon be residing in Phoenix, AZ where she will be completing her internship at a Medical Hospital. Jackie has been writing since a young age, always journaling to find answers or share her thoughts. She can still remember her first hardcover journal with a little gold lock on it, in which she wrote down her first feelings of true love for a very handsome 4th grade boy named Nolan Weiss. Since then, the journals have stacked up, slowly but surely having more pages dedicated to to-do list, but all the while providing an outlet for creativity and communication. Jackie has reached a point in which she is ready to share her ideas with the world, in hope that by sharing my own personal discoveries and difficulties, somebody else out there will benefit.
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You. Are. Not. Alone.

by Jackie Hanson